Save the date: Saturday 29th June 2024, 12:30-4:30pm!
Our fête will be back with all the usuals plus lots more traditional game stalls – including coconut shy, lucky dip, splat the rat and more – to make it an even better day out for the whole family.
Keep an eye on the website / Facebook / Twitter for the latest and do get in touch if you can help on or before the day:
Buy your raffle tickets online! Click here for more information.
Silent auction: We have some incredible items you can bid for: click here to learn more.
Key dates for your diary
- Fête day: 29th June – 12:30-4:30pm
- Setup: Friday 28th June
- Doorknock: 17th – 22nd June
Latest fête news
- Missing: Ladies’ Tug of War Shield
- ** Village Fete 2024: Classic Car & Motorbike Show**
- Fete 2024: Buy your raffle tickets now!
- Silent auction for the 2024 fête
- Village newsletter out now!
About the fête
The Bellingdon and Asheridge village fête is a great fun day out for the whole family.
As well as a range of traditional games stalls and activities (don’t miss the welly wanging or tug of war!), we also have a classic car display, fun dog show (more details below).
And let’s not forget the barbecue, bar, ice creams and teas and cakes to keep you going.
We have some brilliant prizes for this year’s raffle, including three months’ gym membership, a luxury food hamper, a tour of the Tring Brewery and lots more.
You can now buy your raffle tickets online ahead of the fête – just click here for more information.
Of course, you’ll still be able to buy your tickets in the usual way at the fête itself, or during our village doorknock (details below).
Silent auction: New for 2024!
Have you always wanted a pair of ice skates signed by Torvill and Dean? How about tickets to watch Taskmaster being filmed? Or a morning’s trout fly fishing instruction at beautiful Latimer Park?
If your answer is “yes” to any of these, all you need to do is place a bid in our silent auction. Click here to find out more.
Fun Dog Show
We are pleased to welcome back Patchwork Dog Training, who are running our Fun Dog Show. There will be six classes to enter during the afternoon ranging from Prettiest Bitch, Best Veteran through to Best Puppy and Best Trick. A nominal entry fee gives you the chance of winning rosettes and prizes for best placed entrants.
In addition, Patchwork Training will be putting on some demonstrations throughout the afternoon. Come along and get your dog to strut their stuff! Registration from 12.30pm on the day. Details from Martin Horsted: 07506 464788 or
Classic Car Show
There’s also the opportunity to bring your classic car or motorbike to the fête for all to admire. We’ll have a great display across the afternoon. The fete starts at 12.30pm, so please arrive from 12pm. To book your slot, email Martin on
We’ll be going door-to-door in Bellingdon and Asheridge between Monday 17th and Saturday 22nd June, collecting donations for the raffle, tombola and bric-a-brac stall.
There’s no fixed donation list, but wine, beer, gardening, sewing, drawing, craft, pamper/beauty items are always well received, as are sweets, chocolates, new/excellent condition preloved toys etc.
We will also be delivering a free fête programme to each house and offering the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets (if you haven’t already bought yours online!)
We can also collect items clearly marked “fête” from a safe but obvious place if you’re going to be out. If we miss you, we’ll leave a card with details of how to contact us if you have any items to donate.
How can I help?
We’re glad you asked!
- Before the fete:
- Donate items to the doorknock & purchase raffle tickets
- Help on the doorknock (a great way to meet your neighbours!)
- Help with setup on Friday 28th June
- Bake a cake/scones/cupcakes (or several!) and bring to the hall by 11.30am on the day
- During the fete:
- Help run a stall
- Come and enjoy the fete and all its games, stalls and summer fun
- Post your photos to our social media channels to encourage others to come along!
- After the fete:
- Take down marquees, bunting etc and clear the field ready for the next day – the British Dalmatian Welfare Society’s annual fun day with another dog show!
If you’d like more detail or have any questions, please contact us on
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 29th June!

(c) 2024
Bellingdon & Asheridge Community Association (BAACA)
Registered Charity No. 1087494
Bellingdon & Asheridge Village Hall
Chesham Road