YOUR Village Hall AGM – 20th July 7:30pm

You know that hall and recreation ground in the middle of the village that is always there when you need it? For birthday parties, dog walks, the playground, the community pub night and our wonderful recent fete?

Well, did you know that its run by a very small committee of volunteer trustees who handle all the maintenance, bookings, fundraising and development projects? For the good of the community. Pssst: if you’re reading this, that means you!

The trustees believe that it is an invaluable community asset that should be passed on to future generations, especially in such a rural community where there are so few opportunities or places to meet others without driving several miles. However, we’re struggling to keep it going without several of the trustees spending frankly unreasonable amounts of their own time looking after the building and grounds. How would you feel if the hall and grounds weren’t there any more because no-one wanted to run them?

We know its not that exciting as charities go (we really do!) but most of the voluntary trustees have been in post for in excess of five years (others can’t remember when they started it was that long ago) and we could really do with some new people and ideas. We’re also on the lookout for people to participate on a project by project basis (ie no requirement to come to every meeting, just take on a specific project and run with it). 

Our forthcoming AGM is an excellent opportunity to come and find out what its all about, what we’ve been up to and volunteer your services (or not, its entirely up to you). We’d be delighted to speak with any potential trustees or anyone interested in project-based help (we’re currently hoping to look into an electronic entry system, for example).

If there is something you’d like to put on the agenda, or if you’d like more information, please contact the Secretary, Jules Eyles on 757150 or in advance.