Summer news

Printed newsletters will be delivered to all houses in Bellingdon & Asheridge over the next few days by our wonderful team of volunteers. If you can’t wait (!) or prefer your news online we’ll be posting the individual articles on the website plus more that we couldn’t fit in. We’ll also send out a newsletter this month after a few months’ hiatus which will contain broadly the same content.


The Community Association AGM will be on 13th July at 8pm. This year we’re hoping to go “hybrid”; that is have the option to be in the hall or to log in remotely via zoom for those who are unable to be there in person. 

Every adult resident of Bellingdon & Asheridge is entitled to vote at the meeting, there’s no obligation to get involved (turning up doesn’t mean you’ll get lumbered with organising next year’s fete; unless you want to of course!) and its your annual opportunity to find out what BAACA has been doing, both to maintain and improve the hall and to foster a sense of community. Plus there will be drinks and nibbles! 

Hall reopening according to government guidelines

As restrictions gradually lift, we are able to reopen more and more of the village facilities. The recreation ground, car park and playground are open already, during the daytime. Huge thanks to the team who give up their time to be on the gate opening/closing rota. The hall is accepting bookings in line with the guidance at the time. If you’d like to find out more or book the hall please see our dedicated pages on the village website

Fete update

Given the proximity of the intended fete date (26th June) to the full easing of restrictions (21st June) the committee, after much discussion, felt it would be too risky to proceed with the fete in June. Plans are in progress for a scaled-back community event on 11th September, which the committee feels gives us the best chance of actually being able to run something. Stay tuned for more information or to volunteer to help please get in touch.

Ultrafast Broadband
You may be wondering what happened to the promise of Ultrafast Broadband. Well the wheels grind extremely slowly but we’re hopeful to be able to share good news by the time of our next newsletter (early September). Please cross your fingers and toes… 

Help please!

And finally, if you’ve ever thought you could do a better newsletter (printed or e-news)…now is your chance. The current editor has been in post for five years and would be delighted to hand over the reins. Help also sought with the website and associated social media. Some experience would be an asset. 

Please get in touch if you’d like to know more – all and any help appreciated to make this a really useful resource for our community.