St John’s Bellingdon – Sunday Service14th June 2020

Dear all

It’s Saturday again and so I’ve uploaded the service for St John’s Bellingdon for Sunday 14th June onto Youtube. This week we’re on the seventh week of our series on the Beatitudes and this week’s readings are:

Psalm 24:1-6

Matthew 5:1-12 (as usual!!)

and our psalm is Psalm 100

It is on the Parish YouTube channel as usual – and this link should take you there – but I know this hasn’t worked for some in other weeks so look for the same place as usual and hopefully you’ll find it!

As before those with internet linked televisions you should be able to watch it there and find it by searching but only after 09.45 tomorrow when it goes public (and live) but the link should work or you can look for the Great Chesham YouTube channel!

The plan is as before – to follow the service at 10.00 on Sunday – but of course you can be flexible!

Attached are the Parish Notice Sheet and the St Mary’s Notice Sheet.

You may also be interested in the Parish Bereavement service which is also on Parish You Tube site.This service will be available as a Youtube playlist from 4pm on the 14th June (and not before) at the following link.
Please click ‘Play All’, and the service will follow, with each different element playing in order. The service incorporates several of the ministers who take funerals in the Parish of Great Chesham.With prayers and best wishes to you all
