Dear all
It’s Saturday again and so time to upload our service for St John’s Bellingdon for Sunday 4th October onto YouTube.
This week we’re still with our usual format of Morning Worship with a single video. Once again we’ve filmed most of it in church and continued with the words and images together – slightly different angle so that you can still see the flowers.
This week our Psalm is Psalm 80 verses 7-19 and readings are Philippians 3:4b-14 and Matthew 21:33-end and they are read by Eileen. Jane prepared the intercessions but had problems recording them so they are read by Fionnagh.
It is on the Parish YouTube channel as usual – and this link should take you there
but it should be in the same place as usual and you’ve lots of experience now of online services!
As before the service is available after 09.45 tomorrow when it goes public (and live)!
I’ve attached the notice sheets for St Mary’s and the Parish.
With prayers and best wishes to you all