Our local cricket club, Hawridge & Cholesbury, is looking for cricketers of all ages to join them this season. We run All Stars (5-7) and Dynamos (8-11) groups on a Saturday morning, older groups train on a Thursday evening and we have Saturday and Sunday adult sides.
Even if you wouldn’t know one end of a cricket bat from another, everyone is welcome to become a social member of the club (£15 for the season) which entitles you to use the bar when it is open. We’re always on the lookout for coaches, scorers and umpires to help our small village club to thrive.
Our ethos is one of community, having a go and enjoying ourselves – we are run by our members for our members, so everyone pitches in and gets involved. We have working parties during the season to maintain the facilities and we try to be an integral part of the local area.
If you’re interested in finding out more please do contact the club secretary, Helen Valvona, on secretary@hawridgecricket.co.uk