Don’t forget to come and join us on Sunday afternoon at the hall. Sunday 3-5pm. We’ll have tea and coffee
and homemade cake.
All welcome!

Don’t forget to come and join us on Sunday afternoon at the hall. Sunday 3-5pm. We’ll have tea and coffee
and homemade cake.
All welcome!
Our new newsletter editor Jo has given the quarterly publication a fresh new look. It should be hitting your doormat soon, but if you can’t wait, here’s a sneaky peek.
You can also find it, and all our previous issues, on our newsletter page.
Planning for this year’s Bellingdon and Asheridge Village fete is well underway, and we’d really love your help to make it a fun day to remember for the whole family.
All we need is a few hours of your time on Saturday 29th June.
There are all sorts of things you could help us with:
Just reply to if you’d like to find out more.
Thank you!
From Paul and the whole fete team
The Winter issue of the B&A Newsletter is out and is on its way to your door, if it hasn’t arrived already. If you can’t wait, the pdf of this and previous issues can be found on the newsletters page:
Jo Askew has kindly stepped up to edit the print version, so this will be my last issue. It’s been an absolute privilege and I shall miss being the first to know about everything. Enormous thanks must go to all the contributors for submitting their news and photos as well as the volunteer distribution network that makes sure everyone gets their copy.
The next issue is due in March so do contact Jo on if you are interested in submitting an article or have any other contributions.
Helen V
All are welcome to join us on Sun 12th Nov 3-6pm to celebrate Bellingdon & Asheridge Village Hall’s 75th “Birthday”. We’ll have afternoon tea, music from the era and a local history exhibition. More info from: