Horticultural Society

The Early Summer Show on 3 July in Trinity Baptist Church upstairs in the Baines Hall (to some extent dependent on Step 4 of the Covid roadmap going ahead as planned), open to the public at 2.30pm.

The Annual Show in Bellingdon Village Hall on 4 September (open to the public at 2pm).

Just some of the amazing produce on show

Hort Soc Events – 2021

Subject to Covid guidelines at the time the Hort Soc is planning to run the following events: 

  • AGM & Spring Flower Show – 16th April 7.30pm Village Hall
  • Plant Sale – 15th May 10am onwards, Chesham Town Centre
  • Plant Sale – 22nd May 10am – Noon, B&A Village Hall 

If we are unable to run the Plant Sale 22nd May from the Village Hall due to Covid restrictions we will be again offering plants via email, as we did in May 2020, and if any members, who have not previously supplied their email address, would like to be included they should contact Mike Allenby on mikeallenby@btinternet.com

Hort Soc – lockdown plant sale

Committee members had started growing from both plugs and seed before the lockdown started so had expended a fair amount of time and effort in the growing. 

We decided, therefore, to circulate a list of plants via email to members that we had emails for, with instructions to pay either by direct transfer or cheque/cash though my door. We took over £160 after our costs, so not bad at all.

Social distancing was observed of course when delivering plants and the various growers delivered their own to minimise committee members’ contact too, so a good effort by all concerned.

Huge thanks to our members for your continued support in these difficult times.

Tracey Ryan 

Upcoming events

1st: Virtual Race Night – see poster below, proceeds to NHS Charities
8th:Raise a glass for VE Day, 3pm (your house) – see poster below
9th:TBC Hort Soc Annual Plant Sale (10-12)

**The Trustees will review the status of the hall and events once the government updates its advice in early May**

27th:TBC Village Fete

24th:TBC Village “Olympics” and BBQ

All events at the Village Hall unless otherwise stated.