Step by step instructions on how to confirm your voucher
The Two Gates Lane/Bellingdon Broadband Upgrade project is going well, we just need a few more households/businesses to sign up to make it happen.
Although we haven’t quite reached the threshold yet, in order to lock in the funding in anticipation of reaching enough vouchers, those that have signed up should be receiving an email from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to confirm their voucher. Please check your spam/junk folder if you haven’t received this. The email address that the email will come from is:
Gigabit Vouchers <> |
This form is very simple to fill in and “locks in” your voucher to our project.
The email should look something like this:

Clicking the link in blue takes you to this webpage to confirm whether you are applying as a resident, sole trader or business (please sign up as a sole trader or business if you can):

If you’re applying as a “resident”, please tick the appropriate boxes and submit your application. You’ll receive a confirmation email.
If you’re applying as a “business” or “sole trader” (self employed) you will be asked to provide evidence:

Please upload the evidence where indicated then fill in the following drop-down fields (this is for a sole trader and may vary for a business application), then click submit:

You should receive a confirmation email from DCMS/Openreach and that’s it!
Thank you so much if you’ve got this far – we know its been a bit of a long-winded process with lots of form filling. Fingers crossed we’ll all have a whizzy new broadband connection soon.
Please do encourage any neighbours who haven’t already signed up/pledged their voucher to do so:
We’re happy to talk people through the process if needed or there are step by step instructions here:
Contact us on if you need any assistance!