Don’t forget to come to pub night tonight. All the usuals including home cooked food, drinks of all varieties, pub games and chat. Also your **exclusive** opportunity to sign up for fantastic stalls at the village fete! Don’t miss out!
And there’s the Hort Soc annual plant sale tomorrow morning too!
“Du pain, du vin, du Boursin”…if that won’t quite cut it for your holiday then look no further…
Villager Jane Edmunds is planning on running 4 sessions on ‘French for your holidays’ at 18.30 for about an hour on June 4, 11, 18, 25 in St John’s Church. There would be no charge for this. Please email Jane to let her know if you’re planning to attend.
The Chiltern Community Safety Forum and local neighbourhood policing teams are currently reviewing those issues which are of most concern to you.
We ask that you take a few moments to consider those issues which are current in your neighbourhood that you would like your local policing team and community members to resolve over the course of the next few months and then complete the following survey:
We will collate the responses, then the top three priorities will be agreed with the forum and action plans established to address them.
We will publish these priorities on the website.
If you would like to have your say please complete the survey no later than Thursday 10th May 2018.
Message Sent By
Maggie Carpenter (Police, Neighbourhood Policing Administrator, Chiltern & South Bucks LPA)