St John’s Bellingdon – Sunday Service 21st June 2020

Dear all

I’ve uploaded the service for St John’s Bellingdon for Sunday 21st June onto Youtube. This week we’re on the eighth week of our series on the Beatitudes and this week’s readings are:

Ephesians 2:11-22

Matthew 5:1-12 (as usual!!)

and our psalm is Psalm 85

It is on the Parish YouTube channel as usual – and this link should take you there but it may be as quick to look for the same place as usual and hopefully you’ll find it!

As before the service is available after 09.45 tomorrow when it goes public (and live)!

Attached are the Parish Notice Sheet and the St Mary’s Notice Sheet.

In the service there is an announcement about the new team rector and there will be more information about the appointment on ‘St.Mary’s Coffee Time’ which will be available on You Tube from 11.30 (this will be a ‘premiere’ so you’ll need to be watching at 11.30 or leave it until later in the day) – the link is

With prayers and best wishes to you all
