Local business

If you have a local business and would like to have it listed here then please contact us. Please note this is a listing of local businesses, not in any way a recommendation of their services.

Company Name Business type Contact details
Asprey Harris Ltd Insurance Consultants http://www.aspreyharrisinsuranceconsultants.co.uk
01494 773777
H.G. Matthews Fireplaces and Brickmaking www.hgmatthews.com
01494 758225 Fireplaces
01494 758212 Brickworks
Hollies Services Driveways and gutter clearing Holliesservices.co.uk
01923 537123
07786 317083
Hazeldene Farm Farm shop and monthly Food and Craft events www.hazeldenefarm.com
01494 783501
Nixon Electrical Contractors Electrical and Project Management Nixon Electrical
01494 758032
Tames Tree Services All aspects of treework and hedge cutting
Vernon 01494 758862 or 07788 763127
The Village Nursery, Bellingdon Children’s nursery

Karen – 07854522267