If you have a local business and would like to have it listed here then please contact us. Please note this is a listing of local businesses, not in any way a recommendation of their services.
Company Name | Business type | Contact details |
Asprey Harris Ltd | Insurance Consultants | http://www.aspreyharrisinsuranceconsultants.co.uk 01494 773777 |
H.G. Matthews | Fireplaces and Brickmaking | www.hgmatthews.com 01494 758225 Fireplaces 01494 758212 Brickworks |
Hollies Services | Driveways and gutter clearing | Holliesservices.co.uk 01923 537123 07786 317083 |
Hazeldene Farm | Farm shop and monthly Food and Craft events | www.hazeldenefarm.com 01494 783501 |
Nixon Electrical Contractors | Electrical and Project Management | Nixon Electrical www.cheshamelectrician.co.uk 01494 758032 07973660552 |
Tames Tree Services | All aspects of treework and hedge cutting |
Vernon 01494 758862 or 07788 763127
Email – vldt2244@aol.com
The Village Nursery, Bellingdon | Children’s nursery |
Karen – 07854522267 |